25 December 2016

Bermuda Hundred

25 December 1611 

On this date in 1611...

Sir Thomas Dale led a band of Jamestown colonists up the James River to burn the main Appomattoc village in retalliation for a September attack that killed 20 men. Dale built a new settlement called Bermuda Hundred at the site.

Other Years:

  • 1780 - John Sevier, and troops from Virginia, burned the Cherokee town of Chota, Tennessee, and several other nearby villages.
  • 1861 - Trent affair ended with release of Confederate Commissioners to England, Mason & Slidell to the British.
  • 1864 - Federal troops unsuccessfully attacked Fort Fisher, North Carolina.
  • 1868 - U.S. President Andrew Johnson granted an unconditional pardon to all persons involved in defending the Confederate States during the War of Northern Aggression. 
  • 1971 - The longest pro-football game to date finally ended when Garo Yepremian kicked a field goal in the second quarter of sudden death overtime as the Miami Dolphins defeated Kansas City, 27-24. The game lasted 82 minutes and 40 seconds of playing time. 
  • 1983 – The firstst live telecast of the EPCOT Centre Christmas Parade airs from Disney World in Florida.
  • 1991 - The Cold War ended as Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev announced his resignation as leader of a Communist superpower that no longer existed. 

Read: Why Know Southern History?

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