26 December 2016

Anderson’s Provacative Move

26 December 1860 

On this date in 1860...

Federal Major Robert Anderson secretly moved his troops from Fort Moultrie on Sullivan’s Island, into Fort Sumter, aggravating the tense situation in Charleston, South Carolina.

Other Years:

  • 1811 - A theater fire in Richmond, Virginia killed the Governor  George William Smith and First National Bank of Virginia president Abraham B. Venable.
  • 1863 - Federal raiders looted and burned Port Lavaca, Texas.
  • 1908 - Texas boxer "Galveston Jack" Johnson knocked out Tommy Burns in Sydney, Australia, to become the first black boxer to win the world heavyweight title.
  • 1944 - Tennessee Williams' play "The Glass Menagerie" was first performed publicly, at the Civic Theatre in Chicago.

Read: Why Know Southern History?

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