10 July 2016

The Other Roswell Incident

10 July 1864  

On this date in 1864...

Mill workers from Roswell, New Manchester and Marietta, Georgiawere charged with treason by federal troops. Shortly thereafter, 400-500 mostly women and children were deported to the north by federal General William Tecumseh Sherman. Most were never seen or heard from again.

Other Years:
  • 1739 - The War of Jenkins’ Ear began between Great Britain and the Spain. The British would confirm their control of southern Georgia when colonists commanded by James Oglethorpe defeated an invasion force of Spanish regulars on St. Simons Island.
  • 1836 - Nine hundred Creek resisters from Emathla's band were captured and shipped west in shackles to Indian Territory.
  • 1861 - U.S. President Abraham Lincoln wrote to Kentucky's government and promised that federal troops will not enter that state. Obviously, Honest Abe lied because federal troops would occupy a camp outside Lexington less than a month later.
  • 1925 - The Scopes "Monkey Trial" began in Tennessee.
  • 1962 - Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested during a demonstration in Georgia.
  • 1972 - The Democrat National Convention opened in Miami Beach, Florida and chose George McGovern for its presidential candidate after front-runner George Wallace was disabled in an assassination attempt.
  • 2005 - Hurricane Dennis struck the Florida Panhandle causing billions of dollars in damage.

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