14 June 2016

The Pledge

14 June 1943  

On this date in 1943...

The Supreme Court ruled that the First Amendment prevents authority to compel a person to salute the American flag or to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Even though World War II was in full swing and patriotic fervor was rampant, many people (especially in the South) disagreed with the northern socialist-authored pledge and (at the time) its Nazi-like Roman salute. 

Other Years:

  • 1671 - France staked a claim to most of what would later become the United States of America, even though the eastern coast is already inhabited by English colonies.
  • 1777 - The Continental Congress adopted the design of the American flag.
  • 1864 - The popular Confederate General and Episcopalian Bishop, Leonidas Polk was killed by artillery fire at Pine Mountain, Georgia. 

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