13 June 2016

Nathan Bedford Forrest III

13 June 1943 

On this date in 1943...

General Nathan Bedford Forrest III, the final male Forrest in his great-grandfather's direct line, went down a B-17 Flying Fortress while leading a bombing raid on the German U-Boat yards at Kiel. Forrest was found dead on 23 September 1943 when his body washed up near a seaplane base at Ruegen Island, Germany.

Other Years:

  • 1715: During the Yamassee war, South Carolina militia led by George Chicken defeated coastal Indians near the ponds on Goose Creek. Due to heavy losses most of the coastal Indians would cease hostilities in the war.
  • 1868 - Oscar J. Dunn, a black man was elected Lt. Governor of Louisiana.
  • 1910 - William D Crum, a South Carolina physician was appointed U.S. minister to Liberia.
  • 1966 - The Supreme Court issued its landmark Miranda v. Arizona decision, ruling that criminal suspects must be informed of their constitutional rights prior to questioning by police.

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