03 June 2016

Davis's Birthday

3 June 1808  

On this date in 1808...

Confederate President Jefferson Davis was born in Fairview, Kentucky. Today is a traditional holiday in Southern states. 

Other Years:

  • 1864 - Confederate defenders mowed down a doomed frontal assault by 12,000 of General Ulysses S. Grant's invading federal troops at the Battle of Cold Harbor, Virginia.
  • 1861 - The C.S.S. Sumter was officially designated.
  • 1539 - After being in Florida for only a few days, Spanish Conquistador Hernando de Soto became one of many to claim Florida for the King of Spain.
  • 1833 - U.S. Secretary of War Lewis Cass directly ordered the United States Marshal's office to remove white settlers from Creek land in Alabama.
  • 1965 - Astronaut Ed White of Texas became the first Southerner and the first American to walk in space.

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