06 March 2016

The Alamo

6 March 1836  

On this date in 1836...

After a 13 day siege, 3,000 Mexican soldiers commanded by Mexican President Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna overwhelmed and massacred the Texan volunteers defending the Alamo. After a command of no quarter, the Mexican troops slaughtered  182 to 257 Texans including William Travis, Jim Bowie, and Davy Crockett.

Other Years:

  • 1777 - Seventy Shawnee warriors, led by Chief Blackfish, attacked settlers near Harrodsburg, Kentucky. One man escaped to warn the settlement of the war party preventing a massacre of the settlement. 
  • 1857 - In its Dred Scott decision, the U.S. Supreme Court held that Scott, a slave, could not sue for his freedom in a federal court.
  • 1862 - Battle of Elkhorn Tavern, Arkansas began at Leetown, Arkansas. Texas Ranger and Confederate General Ben McCulloch was killed by a sniper as he scouted the federal positions.
  • 1865 - The battle of Natural Bridge, Florida.

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