15 September 2015

Gun Control

15 September 1966 


On this date in 1966, U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson, responding to Charles Whitman’s deadly sniper attack from the University of Texas at Austin clock tower, wrote a letter to Congress urging the enactment of gun control legislation.  The result was the Gun Control Act of 1968, which did little to prevent crime with its bothersome regulatory restrictions on law-abiding firearms manufacturers, dealers, and owners.

Other Years:

1794 - 4th US President James Madison married Dolley Madison  in Jefferson County,  in what became West Virginia.
1862 - General Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson's troops captured Harper's Ferry, Virginia, taking 12,000 federals prisoner.
1903 - Grand Old Opry star Roy Acuff was born in Maynardville, Tennessee.
1945 - A hurricane struck southern Florida and the Bahamas, then destroyed 366 planes and 25 blimps at Richmond Naval Air Station.
1963 - Four children were killed when a bomb went off during Sunday services at a black Baptist church in Birmingham, Alabama.
1989 - Novelist, poet, critic, teacher, and "Fugitive" Robert Penn Warren died.
1990 - The Florida state lottery first topped $100,000,000.

Read: Why Know Southern History?

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