15 December 2017

The Hartford Convention

15 December 1814 

On this date in 1814...

Due to dissatisfaction with the War of 1812, delegates from five New England states met in secret meetings at the Hartford Convention and threatened to secede from the United States and set up their own country.  No invasion or war followed.

Other Years:

  • 1791 - The new United States of America affirmed the God-given rights of its citizens by ratifying the Bill of Rights (amendments 1-10 of the U.S. Constitution) when Virginia gave its approval.
  • 1938 - U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt presided over the ground-breaking ceremonies for the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, DC. 
  • 1939 - "Gone With the Wind," produced by David O. Selznick based on the novel by Margaret Mitchell, premiered at Loew's Grand Theater in Atlanta.
  • 1982 - Paul "Bear" Bryant announced his retirement as head football coach at the University of Alabama.

Read: Why Know Southern History?

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