29 December 2017

Chickasaw Bluffs

29 December 1862 

On this date in 1862...

Confederate troops under General Joseph E. Johnston repulsed federal General W.T. Sherman's first attempt on Vicksburg at the Battle of Chickasaw Bluffs, Mississippi.

Other Years:

  • 1776 - Members of the Mingo tribe under Chief Pluggy attacked the stockade at John McClelland's station, a settlement near modern-day Lexington, Kentucky. After many men on both sides were killed, the Mingo gave up the attack.
  • 1778 - British troops occupied Savannah, Georgia.
  • 1809 - Sovereign Grand Master of the Southern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, Confederate General, and Confederate Indian Commissioner, Albert Pike was born.
  • 1830 - Nine missionaries issued a proclamation defending the Cherokee against the actions of Georgia for the state’s attempts to remove the tribe from their lands. 
  • 1835 - The Treaty of New Echota was signed, ceding all the lands of the Cherokee east of the Mississippi River to the United States.
  • 1845 - Texas became the 28th U.S. state.
  • 1862 - General Robert E. Lee executed a deed of manumission for (freed) all the slaves of the Custis estate.
  • 1930 - Fred P. Newton of Clinton, Oklahoma completed longest swim ever (1826 miles), when he swam the Mississippi River from Ford Dam, Minn, to New Orleans.
  • 1982 - Coach Paul “Bear” Bryant coached his final game as Alabama won the Liberty Bowl. Coach Bryant retired with the record for wins by a college football coach at 323.

Read: Why Know Southern History?

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