02 November 2017

President Carter

2 November 1976 

On this date in 1976...

Former Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter defeated Republican incumbent Gerald R. Ford, becoming the first U.S. president from the Deep South since the War of Northern Aggression. 

Other Years:

  • 1734 - Frontier hero Daniel Boone was born
  • 1861 - The British ship H.M.S. Bermuda ran the federal blockade out of Charleston, South Carolina.
  • 1957 - The Levelland, Texas UFO Case generated national publicity, and remains one of the most impressive UFO cases in history.
  • 1972 - A group of Indian activists finished the "Trail of Broken Treaties" march to Washington, D.C. and seized part of the Bureau of Indian Affairs building.

    Read: Why Know Southern History?

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