13 August 2017

The Women’s Prison

13 August 1863  

On this date in 1863...

The crumbling and overcrowded Women's Prison in Kansas City,Missouri collapsed, killing four women under age 20, and wounding many others who were jailed for aiding relatives in Confederate guerrilla bands or regular service. The incident was one of several northern atrocities that lead to the retaliation of the Lawrence, Kansas raid.

Other Years:
  • 1728 - A hurricane struck Okracoke Island, North Carolina, sinking many ships and claiming many lives.
  • 1906 - Black U.S. Army soldiers raided Brownsville, Texas.
  • 1931 - The first community hospital in the U.S. was dedicated in Elk City, Oklahoma.
  • 1934 - Al Capp's comic strip "L'il Abner" first appeared in newspapers.
  • 1963 - U.S. Customs agents confiscated 21 gold coins from The Witte Museum in San Antonio, Texas.
  • 1979 – The St. Louis Cardinals’ Lou Brock got his 3,000th career hit.
  • 1986 - US Football League star Herschel Walker signed to play with the Dallas Cowboys.
  • 2004 - Hurricane Charley, a Category 4 storm, struck at Punta Gorda, Florida and devastated the surrounding area.

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