10 August 2017

Oak Hills

10 August 1861  

On this date in 1861 -Arkansas, Missouri, Texas, and Cherokee troops commanded by Texas Ranger and Confederate General Ben McCulloch stampeded federal and German volunteers at the Battle of Oak Hills in Wilson's Creek, Missouri.

Other Years:
  • 1680 - The Pueblo Rebellion against Spanish rule began in New Mexico under the leadership of a Tewa named Popé, who has arranged for an attack on most of the Spanish missions on the same day.
  • 1814 - Confederate General John C. Pemberton was born.
  • 1821 - Missouri entered the Union as the 24th U.S. state.
  • 1856 - A hurricane washed away as many as 300 people at Last Island, Louisiana.
  • 1932 - An 11.2 pound chondrite-type meteorite broke into at several pieces and struck near Archie, Missouri.
  • 1944 - Racially motivated riots occurred in Athens, Alabama.
  • 1965 - Fire burned part of the 20th floor of the 27-story University of Texas main building, damaging a collection of relics associated with P.T. Barnum and Harry Houdini.
  • 1995 - Louisiana-born Norma McCorvey, "Jane Roe" of the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion, announced that she had joined the pro-life group Operation Rescue.  

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