21 August 2017

Forrest Re-Takes Memphis

21 August 1864  

On this date in 1864...

General Nathan Bedford Forrest's Confederate cavalry recapturedMemphis, Tennessee.

Other Years:
  • 1680 - The Pueblo Indians drove the Spanish out and took possession of Santa Fe, New Mexico.
  • 1806 - Zebulon Pike’s Missouri expedition held a council with both the Grand and Little bands of the Osage tribe.
  • 1821 - Confederate General William Barksdale was born in Smyrna, Tennessee.
  • 1831 - The Nat Turner slave rebellion killed 55 people in Southampton County, Virginia.
  • 1971 - At the age of 16, Laura Baugh pf Gainesville, Florida won the United States Women's Amateur Golf tournament. She was  becoming the youngest winner in the history of the tournament.
  • 1997 - Arkansas-based Hudson Foods closed a plant in Nebraska after it had recalled 25 million pounds of contaminated ground beef, the largest food recall in the U.S.

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