16 August 2017

Elvis is Dead

16 August 1977  

On this date in 1977...

Elvis Presley died at Graceland Mansion in Memphis, Tennessee, at age 42.

Other Years:
1691 - Yorktown, Virginia was founded.
1692 - Spanish soldier Diego de Vargas began his Reconquista of New Mexico.
1864 - The Confederate raider C.S.S. Tallahassee captured 5 yankee merchant ships off the coast of New England.
1938 - Legendary blues musician Robert Leroy Johnson was murdered by poisoned whiskey at the age of 27, near Greenwood, Mississippi.

1960 – During a balloon test of the first U.S. space suit, Joseph Kittinger of Tampa, Florida set the free-fall world record when he fell more than 16 miles before opening his parachute over New Mexico.

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