24 July 2017

The Monkey Trial

24 July 1925  

On this date in 1925...

The Scopes “Monkey Trial” ended in Dayton, Tennessee, with John T. Scopes convicted of violating a state law against teaching Darwin’s theory of evolution. Scopes was fined $100 plus court costs. His conviction was later overturned on a technicality.

Other Years:
  • 1758 - George Washington was admitted to the Virginia House of Burgesses.
  • 1836 - Creek Indians defeated Georgia militia in a brief fight near Wesley Chapel in present-day Stewart County, Georgia.
  • 1864 - The second Battle of Kernstown, Virginia.
  • 1866 - Tennessee became the first state to be readmitted to the US.
  • 1901 - Writer William Sydney Porter, better known by his pen name of O. Henry was released from prison in Austin, Texas after serving three years for bank embezzlement.
  • 1937 - The state of Alabama dropped charges against the “Scottsboro Boys,” five young black men accused of raping a white woman in Scottsboro, Alabama.

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