30 July 2017


30 July 1972  

On this date in 1972...

The movie Deliverance, based on James Dickey’s best-selling novel filmed on the Chattooga River in Georgia and starring Burt Reynolds, John Voight, and of course, Ned Beatty, reached theaters.

Other Years:
  • 1619 - The Virginia House of Burgesses formed as the first elected American governing body in Jamestown.
  • 1729 - The city of Baltimore was founded in Maryland.
  • 1864 - Confederate troops repulsed the assault of Grant's federal troops after they exploded a mine under Southern fortifications in the Battle of the Crater at Petersburg, Virginia.
  • 1864 - Federal cavalry occupied Macon, Georgia.
  • 1970 - Hurricane Celia made its first landfall and killed 31 people in Cuba, Florida, and Texas.
  • 1990 - The first Saturn automobile rolled off the assembly line in Spring Hill, Tennessee.

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