17 March 2017

The Transylvania Company

17 March 1775  

On this date in 1775 - The Transylvania Company, headed by North Carolina Judge Richard Henderson, traded $10,000 worth of trade goods and $2,000 to Cherokee Chiefs Attakullaculla and Oconostota for most of western and central Kentucky, and north central Tennessee. The treaty was revoked by the governments of Virginia and North Carolina, but later used by the U.S. government as a claim on Cherokee land.

Other Years:

  • 1828 - Confederate General Patrick R. Cleburne was born in County Cork, Ireland.
  • 1836 - Texas abolished slavery.
  • 1863 - Battle of Kelly's Ford, Virginia.
  • 1886 - The Carrollton Riot in Mississippi caused the death of 20 black people.
  • 1917 -  Almost 100 women participated in America’s first bowling tournament for ladies in St. Louis, Missouri..
  • 2007 - Mike Modano of the Dallas Stars scored his 502nd and 503rd career goals making him the all-time U.S. leader in hockey goal-scoring.

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