30 January 2017


30 January 1838 

On this date in 1838... 

Seminole Chief Osceola died in prison at Fort Moultrie, on Charleston Harbor, South Carolina from what many say was a broken heart.

Other Years:

  • 1712 – During the Tuscarora War, South Carolina settlers and Indian allies led by Colonel John Barnwell destroyed a fort built and manned by the Tuscaroroa and Coree tribes near New Bern, North Carolina.
  • 1861 - The U.S. revenue cutter Lewis Cass surrendered to Alabama state troops at Mobile.
  • 1863 - The ironclads C.S.S. Chicora and C.S.S. Palmetto State, dispersed the entire Union blockade fleet in front of Charleston harbor and raised the federal blockade for 24 hours.

Read: Why Know Southern History?

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