17 October 2016

Tennessee Ernie Ford Dies

17 October 1991 

On this date in 17 October 1991...

Country singer Tennessee Ernie Ford died of liver disease at the age of 72.

Other Years:

  • 1781 –  British General Charles, Earl Cornwallis agreed to surrender at the Siege of Yorktown, Virginia.
  • 1952 - Country music legend Hank Williams married Billie Jean Jones in Minden, Louisiana.
  • 1978 - U.S. President Carter signed a bill that restored full U.S. citizenship rights to Confederate President Jefferson Davis. 
  • 1992 – A drunken Japanese exchange student, Yoshihiro Hattori, entered the wrong house looking for a party late at night and was shot  dead by the homeowner in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Read: Why Know Southern History?

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