20 May 2016

White Feather

20 May 1942  

On this date in 1942...

Carlos "White Feather" Hathcock was born at Little Rock, Arkansas.  Hathcock was already a noted marksman, having won the Wimbledon Rifle Matches for the U.S. He would score 93 confirmed kills and more than 600 probables as a marine sniper in the jungles of Vietnam (including a 2,500 yard shot) though his tour was cut short by wounds. Hathcock was awarded the Silver Star not for his sniper work, but for pulling seven Marines from a burning AMTRAC he was riding in that had struck a land mine though suffering severe burns to most of his body before himself jumping to safety. Hathcock returned to active duty to found of the elite U.S. Marine Corps scout sniper school.

Other Years:

  • 1702 - Apalachicola Indians attack the Spanish and mission Indians at the Franciscan Mission of Santa Fe de Toluca at one of the largest Timucua villages in northern Florida. Both sides suffer heavy losses.
  • 1861 - The Confederate States capitol officially moved from Montgomery, Alabama to Richmond, Virginia.
  • 1861 - North Carolina seceded from the Union.
  • 1961 - A bus load of “Freedom Riders” met resistance in Montgomery, Alabama, prompting the federal government to send in U.S. marshals for the activist's protection.

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