15 May 2016

Wallace Shot

15 May 1972  

On this date in 1972...

Anti-Southern zealot Arthur Bremer shot and paralyzed Alabama Governor and Democrat presidential front-runner George Wallace as Wallace campaigned in Laurel, Maryland. In the aftermath of the assassination attempt, which ended Wallace’s presidential aspirations, the usual gun-control proponents were strangely silent.

Other Years:

  • 1716 - French commander Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne, Sieur de Bienville sent three Natchez allies to their village to bring back the head of a Chief Oyelape, the Natchez leader who ordered the killing of five Frenchmen.
  • 1802 - Confederate General Isaac Trimble was born in Culpepper County, Virginia..
  • 1846 - Texas Governor Pierce Butler, and Colonel M.G. Lewis (brother of Meriwether Lewis), and sixty-three representatives of the Aionai, Anadarko, Caddo, Comanche, Kichai, Lepan Apache, Longwha, Tahwacarro, Tonkawa, Waco, and Wichita tribes signed a peace treaty designed to protect both the Indians and Texas settlers.
  • 1862 - Federal General Benjamin Butler issued his infamous General Order #28 stating that any woman of New Orleans who showed disrespect for occupying yankees should be treated as a prostitute plying her trade.
  • 1862 - The Confederate cruiser Alabama was launched as the British ship Enrica at Birkenhead, England, where she had been built in secret.
  • 1864 - The cadets of Virginia Military Institute fought at the Battle of New Market, Virginia.
  • 1968 - A tornado struck Jonesboro, Arkansas at 10:00 PM, causing massive devastation and killing 36 people.
  • 1976 - The song “Kentucky Moonrunner” by Cledus Maggard hit #85 on the charts.

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