11 May 2016

The Waco Tornado

11 May 1953

Houston Chronicle Photo

On this date in 1953...

An estimated F-5 tornado killed more than 110 people in Waco, Texas and caused $39 million damage.

Other Years:

  • 1862 - Confederate troops scuttled the ironclad C.S.S. Virginia off Norfolk, Virginia to prevent its capture by Federal forces.
  • 1864 - Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart was mortally wounded at the Battle of Yellow Tavern, Virginia.
  • 1867 - Confederate President Jefferson Davis was released from prison on a $100,000 bond provided by prominent Northerners, among them old abolitionists Gerrit Smith and Horace Greely. Although still scheduled to be tried for charges of treason, he would never be tried.
  • 1963 - Racially motivated bombings struck Birmingham, Alabama.

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