08 May 2016

Southern Baptists

8 May 1845  

On this date in 1845...

The Southern Baptist Convention formed in Augusta, Georgia after Southern churches separated themselves from the Northern-dominated Triennial Convention. Known for a policy of autonomy for individual churches, the Southern Baptist Convention eventually became the largest *non-Catholic denomination in the U.S. 

*Southern Baptists do not consider themselves Protestants as Baptists were in existence prior to the Protestant Reformation.

Other Years:

  • 1541- Spanish Conquistador Hernando de Soto reached the Mississippi River on his trek across the American South.
  • 1846 - General Zachary Taylor defeated a detachment of the Mexican army in a two-day battle at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, the first major battle of the Mexican War.
  • 1884 - Harry Truman who would become the 33rd U.S. President was born in Lamar, Missouri.
  • 1886 - Confederate Army veteran Dr. John S. Pemberton sold his first Coca-Cola at Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • 1958 - U.S. President Eisenhower ordered the Arkansas National Guard out of Little Rock Central High School during the Arkansas desegregation crisis.
  • 1961 - The first practical sea water conversion plant opened in Freeport, Texas.

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