10 May 2016

Lee Takes Command

10 May 1861  

On this date in 1861...

General Robert E. Lee was assigned command of Confederate forces in Virginia after General Joseph Johnston was wounded in the Seven Days Battles around Richmond.

Other Years:

  • 1676 - Bacon's Rebellion began as a group Virginia settlers revolted against policies of the colonial government.
  • 1775 - Delegates from the Thirteen Colonies met in the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania soon after hostilities broke out between colonists and British troops.  The Congress managed the war effort and eventually adopted the Declaration of Independence.
  • 1863 - Confederate Lt. General Thomas J. Jackson died of wounds received from friendly fire after the Battle of Chancellorsville and was buried in Lexington, Virginia.
  • 1864 - Cherokee Chief Stand Watie was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General in the Confederate army. He was the first Native American to reach that rank in any military and will also be the last Confederate General to surrender at the end of the war.
  • 1865 - Confederate President Jefferson Davis and his family were captured by federal cavalry near Irwinsville, Georgia.

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