12 April 2016

Mr. Lincoln’s War

12 April 1861  

On this date in 1861...

Knowing that a federal invasion fleet was on the way, General P.G.T. Beauregard ordered Confederate and South Carolina troops to begin the bombardment of Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor, South Carolina.

Other Years:

  • 1675 - British Colonial Governor of Virginia, Richard Bennett died.
  • 1776 - North Carolina adopted the Halifax Resolution for independence from Great Britain. 
  • 1836 - A force nearly a thousand Seminole warriors unsuccessfully attacked a blockhouse near the mouth of the Withlacoochee River, held by 50 volunteers from the Florida militia. 
  • 1862 - "The Great Locomotive Chase," Andrews’s raid on the Western & Atlantic Rail Road in Georgia disrupted rail service across the state.
  • 1862 - Federal troops occupied Fort Pulaski, Georgia.
  • 1864 - General Nathan B. Forrest took Fort Pillow, Tennessee. Federal General James R. Chalmers abandoned his troops, but later claimed that Confederate soldiers committed atrocities against his men.
  • 1869 - The North Carolina reconstruction legislature passed an anti-Ku Klux Klan Law.
  • 1872 - The Jesse James gang was blamed for a $1,500 bank robbery in Columbia, Kentucky that left one man dead.
  • 1945 – The 32nd U.S. president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt died of a cerebral hemorage at Warm Springs, Georgia at age 63. Vice-President Harry S. Truman of Missouri became president.

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