27 March 2016

Horseshoe Bend

27 March 1814  

On this date in 1814...

General Andrew Jackson  with a force of 2000 U.S. regulars, militia, Cherokee, Choctaw, and White-Stick Creek defeated the Red Stick Creeks near Dadeville, Alabama at Horseshoe Bend. Only about 50 Red Stick warriors survived. The Red Stick leader William Weatherford was not at the battle, but would turn himself in later. The defeat led to the Treaty of Fort Jackson in August, where the Creek gave up 23 million acres of land to the United States. 

Other Years:

  • 1513 –Some sources give this as the date Spaniard Juan Ponce de Leon and his expedition first sighted Florida.
  • 1836 - Mexican troops acting on orders from Santa Anna murdered Colonel James Fannin and 341 surrendered Texas soldiers outside Goliad, Texas.  Feigning death, 28 men survived to tell of the Mexican treachery.
  • 1890 - A tornado struck Louisville, Kentucky, killing 76 and injuring 200.
  • 1994 - Church in Piedmont Alabama collapse during a tornado. Nineteen people were killed.
  • 2000 - A Phillips refinery explosion killed 1 and injureed 71 in Pasadena, Texas.

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