21 March 2016


21 March 1865  

On this date in 1865...

Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston's troops halted the rampage of Sherman's yankee troops through the Carolinas at Bentonville, North Carolina.

Other Years:

  • 1788 - A Fire destroyed 856 buildings in New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • 1841 - More than 200 Tallahassee Seminole prisoners boarded a boat in Tampa Bay bound for Indian Territory. Fifteen of the Indians die in transit.
  • 1883 - Chiricahua Apaches Chato, Bonito and Chihuahua raided a mining settlement near Tombstone, Arizona and escaped to Mexico, triggering a raid into Mexico by General George Crook to find the Apaches.
  • 1891 - A Hatfield married a McCoy in West Virginia and ended the bloody 20-year feud that started with an accusation of pig theft.
  • 1916 - Confederate guerrilla and bandit Thomas Coleman "Cole" Younger died at Lee's Summit, Missouri.
  • 1925 - Tennessee passed The Butler Act, which prohibited the teaching of evolution.
  • 1965 - More than 3,000 civil rights demonstrators led by the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. began their march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama.

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