15 February 2016

The Peace Commision

15 February 1861  

On this date in 1861...

The Confederate Provisional Congress created a Peace Commission to negotiate with the U.S. Government and avoid an unwanted war. President Davis chose Martin J. Crawford of Georgia, John Forsyth of Alabama, and Andre B. Roman of Louisiana to serve as commissioners. The U.S. government refused to see the peace commissioners and proceeded to escalate tensions, ultimately to the point of provoking war.

Other Years:

  • 1764 - St. Louis, Missouri was founded as a French trading post by Pierre Laclade Ligue.
  • 1862 – Federal Gen. Ullyses S. Grant launched his major assault to take Ft. Donelson, Tennessee.
  • 1898 - The battleship U.S.S. Maine blew up in Havana Harbor, killing 260 crew members, escalating tensions with Spain, and leading to the Spanish-American War.

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