13 February 2016

The James-Younger Gang

13 February 1866  

On this date in 1866...

Jesse James, Frank James, and Cole Younger were suspects in the first daylight armed bank robbery in the United States during peacetime. The target, the Clay County Savings Association in Liberty, Missouri, was owned by Republican former militia officers who had a reputation for deception and foreclosures against Southern veterans. The gang escaped with a haul of more than $15,000.

Other Years:

1566 - St Augustine, Florida was founded by Spanish colonists.
1693 - The College of William & Mary opened in Virginia.
1786 - Abraham Baldwin was selected as president of the University of Georgia.
1795 - The University of North Carolina opened, making it the first state university in the U.S.
1861 - The Virginia Secession Convention assembled in Richmond.
1862 - The Battle of Fort Donelson, Tennessee began.
1879 - Victorio, and twenty-two Warm Springs Apache, surrendered to Lieutenant Charles Merritt, of the Ninth U.S. Cavalry, at Ojo Caliente, New Mexico.
1925 - Pioneering cave explorer Floyd Collins died after being trapped underground for fourteen days in Mammoth Cave, Kentucky.
1981 - A series of sewer explosions destroyed more than two miles of streets in Louisville, Kentucky.

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