07 February 2016


7 February 1812 

On this date in 1812...

An 8.0 magnitude earthquake destroyed New Madrid, Missouri  and heavily damaged St. Louis.  A large section of land in Northwestern Tennessee sank and the Mississippi River flowed backwards to fill what is now Reelfoot Lake named after an elderly Indian who was killed in the quake.

Other Years:

  • 1817 - Confederate General and cabinet member Leroy Pope Walker was born in Huntsville, Alabama. 
  • 1861 - Convinced that they would get better treatment from a Southern government than from the one in Washington, the Choctaw announced their support of the Confederacy.
  • 1864 - Federal troops occupied Jacksonville, Florida.
  • 1867 - Laura Elizabeth Ingalls was born. She later settled in the Ozarks and authored the beloved "Little House" book series under her married name of Laura Ingalls Wilder.
  • 1967 - A fire at a Montgomery, Alabama restaurant killed 25 people.

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