24 January 2016

Enitachopco Creek

24 January 1814 

On this date in 1814...

An attack by Andrew Jackson's force of American soldiers and Indian allies caused considerable losses on the Red Stick Creeks led by William Weatherford at Enitachopco Creek in Alabama.

Other Years:

  • 1781- Lt. Col. Henry Lee and Francis Marion’s Patriot troops raided British installations at Georgetown, South Carolina.
  • 1806 - Cherokee Chief Doublehead and 16 others signed a treaty ceding lands on the north side of the Tennessee River for a little over $10,000, a cotton gin, and a gristmill. Cherokee traditionalists will kill Doublehead for making the agreement.
  • 1861 - Georgia state troops took control of the federal arsenal in Augusta.
  • 1940 - The movie, The Grapes of Wrath was released, detailing the hardships of Oklahoma’s Dust Bowl victims as they searched for work in California.
  • 1952 - Texas organized its first NFL team the Dallas Texans (formerly the NY Yanks.)

Read: Why Know Southern History?

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