05 January 2016

Crockett in Texas

5 January 1836 

# Southern #KnowSouthernHistory 

On this date in 1836...

Davy Crockett arrived in Texas on his way to San Antonio and eventually the Alamo.

Other Years:

  • 1781 – A British naval expedition led by traitor Benedict Arnold captured and burned Richmond, Virginia.
  • 1808 - Explorer William Clark married Julia Hancock in Fincastle, Virginia.
  • 1822 - Confederate General Joseph B. Kershaw was born in Camden, South Carolina.
  • 1861 - Alabama state troops seized Fort Morgan and Fort Gaines on Mobile Bay.
  • 1982 - In McLean vs. Arkansas, federal judge William Overton ruled that an Arkansas Law requiring the teaching of Creation Science as a counterpoint to evolution was unconstitutional.

Read: Why Know Southern History?

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