25 November 2015

Battle of Lake Okeechobee

25 December 1837 


On this date in 1837 - U.S. General and later president Zachary Taylor lost the Battle of Lake Okeechobee against Chief Billy Bowlegs during Second Seminole War, but became a national hero.

Other Years:

  • 1712: The Commander of the Carolina militia, Colonel Pollock met with Chief Tom Blunt during the Tuscarora War and signed a non-aggression treaty.
  • 1863 – Confederate lines were overrun at the Battle of Missionary Ridge, Tennessee.
  • 1894 - Nineteen Hopi were arrested by the army for interfering with "friendly" Hopi Indian activities on their Arizona reservation. The nineteen prisoners were held in Alcatraz prison in California until 7 August 1895. 1951 - Seventeen died in a Woodstock, Alabama train wreck. 
  • 2014 - Protests erupted across U.S. after Missouri grand jury declined to bring charges against a white Ferguson policeman who killed a black teenager in self-defense.
  • 2014 – The Missouri Governor ordered more National Guard troops to the town of Ferguson. It failed to prevent a second night of rioting and looting. 

Read: Why Know Southern History?

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