27 September 2015

Ponce De Leon

27 September 1514 


On this date in 1514 - Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon was granted the title Military Governor of Bimini and Florida.

Other Years:

1862 - Federal General W.T. Sherman ordered that for every instance of firing onto a supply boat, ten families should be expelled from Memphis, Tennessee. Sherman then began placing Confederate prisoners on boats as human shields.
1864 – The Centralia Massacre occurred in Missouri when twenty-four Federal soldiers were captured and executed by troops under "Bloody Bill" Anderson as retaliation for similar atrocities commited against Confederates.
1964 - The Warren Commission issued a report concluding that Lee Harvey Oswald had acted alone in assassinating President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas.
1864 - The Battle of Fort Davidson at Pilot Knob, Missourri was the opening engagement of General Sterling Price’s Missourri Raid. Federal troops fled the fort under cover of darkness, ending the battle with forces suffering 1,700 combined casualties.

Read: Why Know Southern History?

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